The Red Road

Hopi Prophecy Index

Hopi Elders Say Earth Changes Are Upon Us

The Ninth and Last Sign About to Come True? By White Feather, Bear Clan, Hopi Tribe

Prophecies of the Hopi People
-- Martin Gasheseoma -- BOOK RECOMMENDATION -- here is a simple overview of what was prophesied and what has been fulfilled -- the next few articles are for more in depth study.

The Hopi Prophecy -- BOOK REVIEW -- our roadmap into the future, delivered to the Hopi Sinom (people) by the "True White Brother" over 1000 years ago. In Depth -- you may want to read the next article first..

Prophecies to be Fulfilled -- by Dan Evehema, Hopi Elder

The Hopi Missions to the United Nations

Thomas Banyacya, Hopi Spokesman

Dan Evehema's Message to Mankind -- BOOK RECOMMENDATION --The eldest of the elderly Hopi elders explains the utmost importance of the preservation of the traditional lifeway at Hotevilla to the future of peace in the world.  If Hotevilla is forced by outsiders to accept modern conveniences, the relative peace in today's world will be forfeited and Armageddon will be the result!

Techqua Ikachi: Land and Life -- the Traditional Point of View -- BOOK RECOMMENDATION -- the 44 newsletters published in the mid 1970's by David Monongye, the late Keeper of the Hopi Prophecy. These are probably the most important documents ever published pertaining to Native Traditionalism. The recent book The Hopi Survival Kit by Thomas E. Mails and Dan Evehema was based in large part on these 44 newsletters.

Dan Katchongva Explains the Inscription on Prophecy Rock -- BOOK RECOMMENDATION -- eldest of the elderly Hopi elders speaks out to you and me...

Native Prophecy Confirms the Reality of Flying Saucers -- BOOK RECOMMENDATION

also see

The Hopi United Nations Mission and subsequent Hopi Messages to the U.N. -- BOOK RECOMMENDATION

HOPI INDIAN PROPHECY -- The Hopi Elders answer questions -- part 1 of 5

HOPI INDIAN PROPHECY -- The Hopi Elders answer questions -- part 2 of 5

HOPI INDIAN PROPHECY -- The Hopi Elders answer questions -- part 3 of 5

HOPI INDIAN PROPHECY -- The Hopi Elders answer questions -- part 4 of 5

HOPI INDIAN PROPHECY -- The Hopi Elders answer questions -- part 5 of 5

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