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From the cover of the 2015 Native American Rights Fund Annual Report:

Veteran honoring painting, "Merlin Eagle, Spirit Warrior".

A Short Biography of Merlin Eagle
We know that Merlin was born on the Rez in Oak Creek Canyon, Arizona, and went to live with a shaman, Nochalo, around the age of 6. There, he learned to talk to "the thin people" or those on the other side.
Merlin Eagle enlisted in the US Navy in 1962 at the age of 17. He was on the first Seal Team that went to Vietnam. He finally got back, with two Purple Hearts (crossbow bolts to the back and hip). He did remote-viewing and also taught edged weapons techniques to US Navy personnel.  He served in the military again 20 years later, in SOG. Merlin provided body guard services for 17 years in Los Angeles, California as well as teaching tactics to select members of the Torrance Police Department.

He moved to Hamilton Montana and opened an elite combat martial arts school right in town, the "Washido Studio". Washido is Japanese for "Way of the Eagleā€.
He had a 1st degree Black Belt in Japanese JuJitsu, 1st degree Black Belt in Aikido, Red Sash of Kung Fu (equivalent to 1st degree black belt), 6th degree Black Belt in TaeKwonDo, Master Kenjitsu (Samurai sword fighting - equivalent to 1st degree black belt), Master Iaido (Quick Draw of Samurai - Equivalent to 1st degree Black Belt) and 2nd degree Black Belt in Hapkido. He had studied overseas in Japan and England. He had approximately 48 years of training and experience at the time of his passing.
The late Mr. Eagle held a B.A. and M.A. from California State University at Long Beach in addition to a PHD from the New York Academy of Sciences.
He was a gifted craftsman, writer, poet, and now, spirit warrior.

Special Exhibits: Equine Art Series

"Horse Catcher with Comet" embossed-acrylic on canvas, 15" x 30", artist-wrapped edges.


"Sky Catcher with Comet" embossed-acrylic on canvas, 14" x 18", custom-framed.


"Sky Catcher" embossed-acrylic on canvas, 15" x 30", custom-framed.



Click on image to go to mask gallery page.

Bernie's masks are currently on display at the...

Museum Store at the Autry Museum of the American West.

autry national center logo

4700 Western Heritage Way
Los Angeles, CA 90027



The Artist, with renowned artist Michael Horse, at the

Gathering Tribes Gallery, in Albany, California.

 They carry an assortment of my fine art and masks.



The Artist, at the Hart of the West PowWow Art Exhibition.

Come and visit the showroom!

See a continuing exhibit of my latest works at

 Custom Framing Shop 418 North Glendale Ave. Glendale, Calif.
Telephone 818-507-9129.

The    homepage

Educational Opportunities


Barbara Arvi, long-time Southwest Museum director of education, and current director of the American Indian Families Partnership, and Bernie in the new California Hall on the day of the dedication. They are the co-founders of



Need fine art for your film or TV production?

The artist's "fine arts for films & TV" site ...

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